Sunday, November 28, 2010

Camp Bentzon Abseiling

"Ahhhh, the good old Abseiling activity, but for some, this should be designed for the con-course, Because it is a bit of De Jah Vu of fears.”. In just a few moments I was selected to take on this Monster first. With tons of experience in my back pocket of Abseiling I was, in the space of a minute at the top and ready for battle!!!
I can tell you that there was an AMAZING view of the Ocean. But that was shortly experienced for me as Camilla, ( The second instructor ) ordered me to face her. This was only so I could get this over and done with. I was honestly starting to stress when my shoes didn’t find any grip on the wall. But I overcame this and was enjoying myself. And no sooner I was halfway an ready to jump the rest of the way.

Enjoying Myself was my task for the day, and that I was. I didn’t even need to pace myself while I was jumping the rest of the way. I had reached the bottom of the Wall and all I had thought was, “ Can I do it again???” There was hardly anything holding me back as I had the Urge to do it again. “ABSEILING

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Life or Death - a bit of both!

Abseiling was a VERY difficult task. I stared at the ground trembling in fear. It must have been obvious because the Nicole (The instructor) said “ Little Missy, I think you can go first,” I stared at the ground in disbelief. I had never abseiled in my life! And I certainly did not want to start now. “Come on. Just slip this on and then I’ll get your helmet,” the instructor informed. “Are you okay?” she asked. I stood there for a moment, shaking like a chihuahua. “Yeah. F-f-fine thanks.” I stammered.

My hands gripped around the metal bars tightly. I couldn’t feel my legs. Which was a very bad coincidince. You see, doing something I’ve never done before, then having to climb 15 metres high, and THEN getting stuck because the other instructor wasn’t paying attention, isn’t my exact idea of trying something new and it being fun.

Thankfully, I made it to the top without collapsing. I had just held back my tears. Fortunately there were lots of people, so it would’ve been pretty embarrassing to be crying. I mean, this was a piece of cake. A pretty stale piece of cake though. I took baby steps backwards. I then looked down and gulped. “Kay!,”The instructor called out “Sweetie you don’t need to look down.” I gently released the rope. “Aaaaahhh!!!” I screamed - in my mind.

After a few more mind screams, I was there. I wanted to go again.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bombing off the Wharf at Camp Bentzon

It was the second day of our camp and we had been tremendously tired from our adventures,until the favourite event by far was about to happen happen. The wonderful day of,BOMBING OF THE WHARF AT KAWAU ISLAND!!!It was heaps of fun. All of my friends were laughing but bombing at the same time. Everyone enjoyed the time that they had bombing and swimming. It was like a favourite thing to do.
But now that we have gone back to school,I wish that we had not left in the first place. That place is AWESOME!!!I cannot wait to go back to Kawau Island,well hopefully I do

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spiders - How Big Is Big?

Do you know how big a tarantula can get?
It can grow up to the size of your dinner plate.Did you know that the tarantula's bite is not that dangerous,its no worse than a bee sting,unless your allergic

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Earwigs in Your Ear!!

How do you think Earwigs got their name?
Well this is what my movie is about. Eww!!!Do you think it is grouse?
If you like, you could leave a comment.
By Joshua.

Monday, November 1, 2010