Friday, June 24, 2011

Bigger Better Faster Stronger Technology Project

Room 17 are trying to redesign the courtyard to make it Bigger Better Faster Stronger. Here is Donyae's design

We have chosen to attach a basket ball hoop to the wall in the courtyard so the other kids can play with it and they can shoot some hoops. We need it because the school doesn’t have enough Basket ball hoops. We have found a supplier and the price

The next item that we are going to install is a security camera so people won't steal some things from the courtyard. We don't want to get robed again.We have found security cameras from Trinity CCTV for $899.00 for a whole set.

We are going to put a bench in our courtyard so we can have our lunch and morning tea.The school needs it because there are not enough chairs for the kids to sit on.We have found school

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