Sunday, July 25, 2010
Mighty Vikings

Friday, July 23, 2010
The First settlers In New Zealand

Polynesian people came to NZ by canoe. Some of them voyaged in a single hull with an outrigger or a double hull.In full length, these canoe's were 15m-25m.These Vessels were made out of planks lashed together and woven sails.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Term 3 Immersion Assembly

I can't wait to find out more. Stay tuned to our blogs as we learn about Mighty Mariners and share our work with you this term.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Serving Umu Food
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Tuna on the Umu
Friday, July 16, 2010
Umu Niuean Style
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Positive:Team work was good and all working together.We have great graphics and were using animations that were fantastic and good enough to go on P.E.N.N. That was our goal. The people that were in my team was Matthew R,Joshua,Erene and me.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Rugby World Cup

In the England and Australian game and the Australian-Fijian game. Adam-Ashley Cooper kept on being shut down when he ran the ball up, So did Giteau. They have a good kicking game. Quade Cooper and Matt Giteau really know how to break the line but if they want to win the world cup they would have to do now and again. There chances are in my point of view would be 8/10 because the Springboks forwards can smash the Australian forward pack.
You don't need to say much when you hear the words "Springboks rugby" or "South African Rugby", you would already know who there talking about. World No.2 rugby team Springboks. They are prop ably the best rugby team now because they have made history in 1995 when they had to take on New Zealand in the finals.
The Springboks have a lot of confidence when they play. They have a lot of key players like Morne Steyn, Bryan Habana, Victor Matfield, Joe Peterson, Wynand Oliver and BJ Botha. These players are the skippers, the magic men of this side. Victor Matfield is a really good Captain and he knows when to speak up on, and of the paddock. Matfield is one of the oldest and most experienced South African athelete for rugby. He plays with great dignity and he also works hard until the last second of each match.
The South Africans Skipper Joe Peterson had a good season when he was playing for the Bulls. He was a player that knows how to break the line and find gaps now and then. Missing vital tackles for him is impossible because he has such a good tackling technique. Bryan Habana and Morne Steyn is one of the greatest combinations that is known for try-scoring and line breaks. Unlike Richie McCaw and Daniel Carter, Steyn is a Five Eighth who kicks at a good pace and possession.
My bets are on the South Africans with all my money because firstly there only weakness is if the opposition passes the ball to the wing. But if your the opposition then be bright and don't go to Habana's wing because he might intercept or just cut you down. So be aware or be in your top shape because your not then they will beat you to the death 50-0 (in my opinion).
Now the All Blacks only have a handful of key players, strengths. Richie and Carter is an elite combination for this side and in my opinion there our only hope to win.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Art Step by Step
This is my kowhaiwhai pattern I first made on paper and then
I animated it on the computer. Each element represents a member of my family.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Curse of the Baby-Sitter

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Pt England Under 50kg Rugby Team
13 games so far, 2 tournaments 4 games.
Right now we haven't loss a game so its 13-0 and our next game is against Fair Burn. I think are going to win, and our team is positive that are going to win. Ya!
Meet our Pt England's under 50 kg rugby team. Here are our players. Kane, Lepa, Matthew T, Dominiq, Kayde, Kaiden, Aidan, Onosai, Gabriel, Dante, Starford, Heremaia, Potaua, Shawn, Miracle, Misi. That is our terrific team
Our coaches are Colin (my dad) and Roger (my uncle). They are really great coaches, even the team thinks so. But sometimes that get mixed up and teach us the wrong skill, but we correct them.
Our team has 1 training a week,that is fine for us.Coach Colin recommends that we should have 2 trainings a week so that we can pick up our game,and make our score something Nill.
I feel that our under 50 kg rugby team is going to be the Auckland champs this year.And I'm confident that our team will not give up,and will come to trainings every week unless there sick.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Where Is Mum?

It was a Saturday night, and I Mina was waiting for mum to pick me up from the movies. "Mum ,mum come" I said in my mind. I was sick of waiting.
My phone had dropped in the middle of the movie. I was panicking, my blood pressure had started to rise. Mum got me this phone only YESTERDAY for my birthday !!! I looked everywhere, but it was pitch black dark. I tried to stop the movie, and find the light switch. This phone meant more than my food and my car. How would I contact mum?
I just thought of something, I could ring my phone on Lucas's phone. "Oh NO" I said the movie had finished and the security guards, opened the doors. They thought something suspcious was going on, so they lifted me up and took me outside, I shouted at the top of my lungs "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND".
Lucas quickly came running, " Mina, Mina are you alright" he said, " Yes, yes I am fine", I replied with anger. I started to cry. I quickly thought if Lucas and his mum could drop me off home, I heard someone say, " Bye Mina", but who? So when I turned around to tell Lucas if he could give me a ride, he was gone.
So I was lonely with no-one, shivers came down my spine like the night sky did, but I could go into the movies and use there phone but the clock striked 12:00am and only people with Id's could go inside and I forgot mine at home and I would get kicked out by the guards again. I stood still angry and scared.
As I stood still for Five minutes a man or lady (I couldn't tell) came from the mist and shouted my name "MINA, MINA", who was it I wondered with fear, but as the voice got closer it started to sound familiar, it was....
Friday, July 2, 2010